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Memorable Movie Quotes I-L


*Look at the stars. Same stars as last week... last year... when we were kids. When we weren't even born. In a hundred years, no one will even know who we are, but they'll know those same stars.* -- Imaginary Heroes


*Now tell me, have you ever seen a shooting star?... No? Well, they're very rare. They're seen in the sky for only a very brief time, but when they appear, they are so bright and so brilliant, that all the other normal stars just stand still and watch that star as it passes among them. You will never be a regular star... You are spectacular.* -- Jack

*As we come to the end of this phase in our lives, we find ourselves trying to remember the good times, and trying to forget the bad times. We find ourselves worrying about the future. Where are we going to be in 10 years? Don't worry... think of me. Please don't worry so much. In the end, none of us have very long on this Earth. Life is fleeting, and if you're ever distressed, cast your eyes to the summer sky at the stars strung out across the velvety night. When a shooting star streaks through the blackness, turning night into day... make a wish... think of me. Make your life spectacular. I know I did.* -- Jack


*The universe will expand, then it will collapse back on itself, then it will expand again. It will repeat this process forever. What you don't know is that when the universe expands again, everything will be as it is now. Whatever mistakes you make this time around, you will live through again and again... forever. So my advice to you is to get it right this time around... because this time is all you have.* -- K-Pax

*What the hell did I know about California? For some people it was still a place of hopes and dreams. A chance to start over. The idea was, if you could get there, everything would be okay. And if it wasn't okay there... well it probably wasn't going to be okay anywhere.* -- Kalifornia

*When you first meet people, all you notice are the differences between you and them. But as time passes you start noticing the similarities. I guess that's how all friendships begin.* -- Kaliforna

*How can I promise eternally what I have not felt momentarily?* -- Kate and Leopold

*Time. Time, it has been proposed, is the fourth dimension. And yet, for mortal man, time has no dimension at all. We are like horses with blinders, seeing only what lies before us. Forever guessing the future... and fabricating the past.* -- Kate and Leopold

*Brave is simply those with the clearest vision of what is before them - glory and danger alike - and notwithstanding, go out and meet it.* -- Kate and Leopold

*Finding a crack in time - it is no more crazy than a dog finding a rainbow. Dogs are colorblind. They don't see color. Just like we can't see time. We can feel it. We can feel i passing by, but we can't see it... it's just a blur. It's like we're riding a supersonic train and the world is just blowing by. But imagine if we could stop the train. Imagine if we could stop that train and get out, look around and see time for what it really is. A universe... a world. A thing as unimaginable as color to a dog. And as real and tangible as that chair you are sitting in. Now... if we could see that... I mean really look at it - then maybe we could see the flaws as well as the form.* -- Kate and Leopold

*True love cannot be found where it does not truly exist. Nor can it be hidden where it truly does.* -- Kissing a Fool

*To trudge the slow, weary, depressing yet determined walk walk of a man who has nothing left in his life except the impulse to simply soldier on.* -- A Knight's Tale

*One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.* -- Kung Fu Panda


*To see the world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wildflower. Hold infinity in the palm of your hand... and eternity in an hour.* -- Lara Croft

*See the place where the tides, the seasons, the turning of the earth all come together... where everything that is becomes one. You've got to seek that place with all your soul.* -- Legend of Bagger Vance

*Life is made of a few big moments and a few little ones... but a lot of images fade and no matter how hard I try, I can't get them back. If I knew things would no longer be, I would've tried to remember them bette.* -- Liberty Heights

Sam: You knew you were dying from the start?
George: We're all dying from the start... I just got pushed to the head of the line.
Sam: But you lied to me.
George: I would've lied to myself if I thought I'd believe.
-- Liberty Heights

*You know the great thing though? Is that change can be so constant that you don't even feel the difference until there is one. It can be so slow that you don't know your life is better... or worse, until it is. Or, it can just blow you away - make something different in an instant. It happened to me.* -- Life as a House

*What? Do I still love you? Absolutely. There's no doubt in my mind, through all my anger and my ego, I was always faithful in my love for you. That I made you doubt it is the greatest mistake in a life full of mistakes. The truth doesn't set us free. I can tell you that I love you as many times as you can stand to hear it... all it does is remind us that love is not enough. It's not even close.* -- Life as a House

*I've always thought of myself as a house. I was always what I lived in. It didn't need to be big. It didn't need to be beautiful. It just needed to be mine. I became what I was meant to be. I built myself a life. I built myself a house. With every crash of every wave, I hear something now. I never listened before. I'm onthe edge of a cliff, listening. I'm almost finished. If you were a house... this is where you would want to be built... on a rock, facing the sea... listening... listening.* -- Life as a House

*I believe we write out our own stories, and each time we think we know the end... we don't. Perhaps luck exists somewhere between the world of planning, the world of chance, and the peace that comes from knowing that you just can't know it all. Life's funny that way. Once you let go of the wheel, you might end up right where you belong.* -- Little Black Book
